Buildings Associated With Freemasons – Victoria, B.C.
1003 Vancouver Street was built in 1883 as the home of Charles Hayward (1839-1919), a member of Vancouver & Quadra Lodge, No. 2 in Victoria. It was designed and built for Charles Hayward by architect John Teague (1833-1902), a member of Victoria-Columbia Lodge No.1 in Victoria. John Teague also served as Mayor of Victoria.
Charles Hayward was Mayor of Victoria in 1903-1904. His term of office saw the start of construction on the Inner Harbour Causeway and the negotiations to develop the Empress Hotel, now a National Historic Site of Canada.
1003 Vancouver Street is now divided into rental apartments. It is listed on the Canadian Register of Historic Places and the Victoria Heritage Register. Here is a link to a Victoria Hallmark Society webpage with some historic photos of 1003 Vancouver Street.

Charles Hayward is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery near downtown Victoria.

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