- Suggested Readings On Freemasonry -

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There are many books available on Freemasonry. Some are excellent while many are a complete waste of time and are not worth the paper they are printed on.

To help readers avoid some of the books in the latter category, here is a list of some of the better books on Freemasonry which Temple Lodge, No.33 members think may be of interest to Freemasons, potential candidates for Freemasonry or others interested in the Craft. We will be adding more titles in due time.

We encourage local buyers to patronize Duncan bookstores like Volume One Books and Gallowglass Books. For those outside the Duncan, B.C. area, we have included links to Amazon.com and it worldwide affiliates.

The Origins of Freemasonry, by David Stevenson, Cambridge University Press, 1988

Living The Enlightenment, Freemasonry and Politics in Eighteenth Century Europe, by Margaret Jacob, Oxford University Press, 1991

(Note: Both David Stevenson and Margaret Jacob are academic historians, so their work is well researched and well footnoted. David Stevenson is not a Mason.)

The Builders, by Joseph Fort Newton

This book was first published in 1914 and there are several print editions currently available. This book is also available as a free Kindle download from Amazon.com.




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Temple Lodge, No. 33

Ancient Free & Accepted Masons

Duncan, British Columbia, Canada