Bro. Patrick Chartres, W.Bro. Mark Hall, Bro. David Scandrett. Bro. Paul Philcox
at the Temple Lodge, No 33, Regular Meeting of 12 May 2015
Here is the paper presented by Brother Paul Philcox:
12 May 2015
The United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) was established in May 1948. UNTSO was the first ever peacekeeping operation established by the United Nations. Since then, UNTSO Military Observers have remained in the Middle East to monitor ceasefires, supervise armistice agreements, prevent isolated incidents from escalating and assist other UN peacekeeping operations in the region to fulfill their respective mandates. UNTSO Military Observers (UNMO’s) are unarmed and deal impartially with all-sides of the conflict. The UNMO’s work in multi-national teams, so that any observations will always be confirmed by at least two observers from different nations, as a measure to ensure this impartiality.
It is a difficult and dangerous Mission. Twenty-five nations contribute military personnel to the Mission. 47 UNMO’s have been killed since the start of the Mission and scores more wounded or injured.
The Meeting at Temple Lodge Tuesday 12 May 2015 was unique. Four of the Brothers in attendance had been UNMO’s; three of them had served together on the same Mission. Two were visitors and two are members of Temple Lodge.
They were:
W Bro. (Major Ret’d – Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment, New Zealand Army) Mark Hall - Golan Heights, Southern Lebanon,1985/86, Lodge of the Liberal Arts, Auckland, New Zealand;
Bro. (Lieutenant Colonel Ret’d – Royal Canadian Armour Corps, Canadian Army) Paul Philcox – Golan Heights, Southern Lebanon, 1985/86, Temple Lodge #33, Duncan, BC;
Bro. (Major Ret’d – Royal Canadian Armour Corps, Canadian Army) David Scandrett – Sinai, Golan Heights, Beirut and Southern Lebanon, 1979/80, St James Lodge #80, White Rock, B.C.,
Bro. (Major Ret’d – Royal Canadian Artillery, Canadian Army) Patrick Chartres – Beirut and Southern Lebanon, 1985/87, Temple Lodge #33, Duncan, BC.
The gathering was a testament to the Craft, its Fraternity and Fellowship spanning the Globe and withstanding the weathering of time. "
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