Cyril Randall Jarrett
(1891 - 1955)
Chemainus Lodge, No. 114
The VIMHP currently does not have any information on Brother Jarrett, apart from his Lodge affiliation and the information on his grave. We will do some research and post the information we find.
Here is a brief biographical sketch of Brother Cyril Randall Jarrett taken from various sources:
The grave of Brother Cyril Randall Jarrett
in Chemainus Cemetery
The GPS location of the grave is:
- Vancouver Island Masonic History Project -
- Chemainus Cemetery, St. Michael's and All Saints-
- Deceased Brethren -
Chemainus Lodge, No. 114 - Home Page
Vancouver Island Masonic History Project Index Page
Cowichan Valley Cemeteries - Masonic Interments
Chemainus Cemetery - Masonic Interments
Vancouver Island Masonic History Project Index Page