Deceased Brethren
Archer Robert Payze
Temple Lodge, No.33 records show Archer Robert Payze, born 1884; occupation: carpenter; residence: Duncan, B.C.; proposed for membership in Temple Lodge by Brother (later Worshipful Brother) William Mourdant Dwyer and Worshipful Brother Samuel Robinson (charter member of Temple Lodge, No.33).
According the Temple Lodge Minute Book, a petition from Archer Robert Payze was received at the Regular Communication of 13 January 1914 “for membership in Temple Lodge, No. 33 by Initiation. The applicant states that he was born at Whitechurch, England on the 23rd day of September, 1884, age 29 years. Resides at Duncan. His occupation: carpenter. He has not presented his petition to any other Lodge.” An investigating Committee was appointed, comprised of W. Bro. Andrew H. Peterson, Bros. Richard Nelson and Roland Clayton Fawcett.
A favourable ballot was held on 10 February 1914 (along with balloting for 4 other candidates) and Brother Ingram became a member of Temple Lodge, No. 33 by Initiation. Brother Ingram did his Entered Apprentice degree on 10 March 1914, was Passed to a Fellow Craft on 7 April 1914 and Raised to a Master Mason on 9 June 1914.
[Source: Temple Lodge No. 33 records]
Here is the local newspaper report of Brother Payze’s death:
“Private Archer Robert Payze, 16th Battalion, reported wounded last week, has since died of his wounds. He was born at Whitechurch, England, 31 years ago. He was unmarried and was well known in Duncan, being a member of Temple Lodge, A.F. & A.M. His occupation was that of carpenter.”
[Source: Cowichan Leader, 10 June 1915]
Here is a link to Commonwealth War Graves Commission Information On Brother Archer Robert Payze.
Brother Payze died on 3 June 1915. This was before the Battle of Givenchy, which began on 15 June 1915. This was around the area of Festubert, and the Battle of Festubert was fought starting on 18 May 1915, so it’s possible Brother Payze was killed in the area near or around Festubert. We’ll do more research on this and post any information we uncover.
Here is more information on Brother Archer Robert Payze taken from Temple Lodge, No.33 records:
“…Moved by W. Bro. J.H. Peterson seconded by Bro. Dwyer that a full page of the Minute Book be set aside in memory of our late Bro. Archer Robert Payze, who while fighting with the forces of the Allies in France was fatally injured and who died June 3rd. Also that a letter of condolence be sent to his relatives in England. The motion was carried……..”
Source: Temple Lodge Minute Book, Regular Meeting of 8 June 1915
“In Memory
This page is set aside In Memory of our
late Brother Archer Robert Payze
Born at Whitechurch, England Sept 22nd 1884
Elected to become a Member of Temple Lodge No. 33 February 10th 1914
Initiated March 10 1914
Passed April 7 1914
Raised June 9 1914
And who while serving with His Majesty’s Forces
in France was fatally injured and
Died in Hospital June 3rd 1915”
[Source: Temple Lodge No. 33 Minute Book, Emergent Meeting of 22 June 1915]