The Regular Meeting of Temple Lodge No. 33 for April 2017 will be held at Duncan Masonic Temple, Tuesday 11 April 2017 at 7:30 p.m.
All Visiting Brethren are very welcome to attend.
The Regular Meeting of Temple Lodge No. 33 for April 2017 will be held at Duncan Masonic Temple, Tuesday 11 April 2017 at 7:30 p.m.
All Visiting Brethren are very welcome to attend.
Each month Temple Lodge No. 33 featured a Deceased Brother as a way remembering our Deceased Brethren while highlighting the contributions Temple Lodge No. 33 members have made to Duncan and the Cowichan Valley.
The Featured Deceased member of Temple Lodge No. 33 for April 2017 is one of our Charter Members, Major James Mitchell Mutter (!845-1920), farmer and Member of the Legislative Assembly.
Major James Mitchell Mutter is buried in St. Mary’s Somenos Anglican Cemetery.
See our webpage on Major James Mitchell Mutter.
Temple Lodge No. 33 will be holding its annual Installation of Officers on 1 April 2017 at 1:00 p.m. at Duncan Masonic Temple, 163 Canada Avenue, Duncan, B.C..
We will have a pre-Installation lunch and social starting at 11:30 a.m.
All Visiting Brethren are very welcome to attend.
Continue reading Temple Lodge Installation of Officers for 2017
The Internet is a great tool but being online requires some vigilance.
We have just been advised by an Internet domain registration company in China that a Chinese company, TranTing Trade Company, has applied to register variants of our domain name.
The domain name registration company has asked whether we are associated in any way with TranTing Trade Company – we are not – and whether we authorized TranTing Trade Company to use variants of our web domain name – we definitely did not and have not and we have advised the domain name registration company accordingly.
The variations of our domain name which TranTing Trade Company has applied to register are:
Brand Name:templelodge33
Domain Names:
“ ”
Unfortunately, we cannot prevent this Chinese company registering these web domain names unless we register them first. The cost of registering all possible worldwide variants of our domain name is prohibitive so we do not consider that a reasonable option.
But we have registered the top level domain name variant,, so that others cannot use it.
We formally notify others that we are in no way associated with TranTing Trade Company, that we are the first user and registrant of the Internet domain name “templelodge33” and that our “templelodge33” domain name is used only in connection with Temple Lodge No. 33, A.F. & A.M., Duncan, B.C., Canada. Any other use of our “templelodge33” domain name in any Internet domain registration or variant suffix is not connected or associated with, or endorsed by, Temple Lodge No. 33, A.F. & A.M., Duncan, B.C., Canada in any way and Temple Lodge No. 33, A.F. & A.M., Duncan, B.C., Canada does not authorize its use or endorse any product(s), good(s), service(s), statement(s), claim(s) etc. which may be associated with it.
2 March 2017
Each month we feature a Deceased Member of Temple Lodge No. 33 as a way of remembering our Deceased Brethren and highlighting the contributions Freemasons have made to Duncan and the Cowichan Valley.
Our Featured Deceased Member for March 2017 is Douglas Barker, D.S.M. (1919-2003), who served as Mayor of Duncan. See our webpage on Douglas William Barker.
Continue reading Featured Deceased Brother for March 2017 – Douglas William Barker (1919-2003)
Temple Lodge No. 33 will be holding an Emergent Meeting at Duncan Masonic Temple on 28 February 2017 at 7:00 p.m. to Raise a Brother to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason.
The District Deputy Grand Master will also be making his Official Visit to Temple Lodge No. 33 at this meeting.
All Visiting Brethren are very welcome to attend. Please note the 7:00 p.m. start time, rather than our usual meeting start time of 7:30 p.m.
The Official Visit of Most Worshipful Brother
Ian Bowman
Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon
to District No. 27 will be held on March 9th 2017, 4:00 PM at
St John’s Lodge No. 21,
St. John’s Masonic Temple, 26 Gatacre Street, Ladysmith, BC
Masonic Banquet: 6:00 PM
St. Mary’s Catholic Church Hall
1135-4th Avenue, Ladysmith, BC
Tickets $30. Each or $50 per Couple
–Tickets available from–
The Secretaries of St. John’s #21, Temple #33, Malahat #107, Chemainus #114, & Admiral #170
For more information contact R.W.B. Joel Chiri, District Deputy Grand Master, District 27 at:
Email: Phone 250-245-4797
Each month Temple Lodge No. 33 features a Deceased Brother of Temple Lodge as a way highlighting Masonic history in Duncan and the Cowichan Valley.
Our featured Deceased Member of Temple Lodge No. 33 for February 2017 is J. Islay Mutter (1874-1950), who is the only person to have served as both Mayor of Duncan and Reeve (now Mayor) of North Cowichan. Continue reading J. Islay Mutter – Featured Deceased Member of Temple Lodge No. 33 For February 2017
On 23 January 2017 the Temple Lodge No.33 Historian and webmaster, W.B. Mark Anderson, attended a lecture at the Congregation Emanu-El synagogue in Victoria which focused on a University of Victoria Anthropology course, ANTH 395, which is using the Victoria Jewish Cemetery as a teaching aid for archaeological methods. (April 2017 Update: ANTH 395 has been reclassified as ANTH 367)
One of the projects this course is undertaking is to identify the unmarked burial plots of the Victoria Jewish Cemetery and identify the people whose grave locations have been forgotten.
One of those unmarked graves is that of M.W.B. Marcus Wolfe (died 1896), Past Grand Master, whose grave in Victoria Jewish Cemetery is unmarked and its exact location not known.
Here are the website and Facebook page for the ANTH 395 course.
We are very honoured that students in the ANTH 395 course have been regularly using our Temple Lodge No.33 website as a research tool for their work in the Victoria Jewish Cemetery.
Here are some graves of deceased Freemasons in Victoria Jewish Cemetery:
Morris Price died in 1861 and was the first interment in Victoria Jewish Cemetery.
Rabbi Elias Friedlander was the Chief Rabbi of Congregation Emanu-El.
Judah Phillip Davies and his son Joshua Phillip Davies were auctioneers and leading figures in the late 19th century Jewish community on Victoria.
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Each month Temple Lodge No.33 features a Deceased Member as a way of highlighting Masonic history in Duncan and the Cowichan Valley.
Our featured Deceased Member for January 2017 is James McLeod Campbell (1865-1961), building contractor who also served as Reeve of North Cowichan in 1907 and as a Councilor on the first Duncan City Council in 1912.
As a building contractor, James McLeod Campbell built St. John’s Anglican Church, 486 Jubilee Street in downtown Duncan, in 1905.
James McLeod Campbell is buried in Mountain View Cemetery, North Cowichan.
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