Featured Deceased Member For September 2016 – James Grieg

James Grieg (28 July 1865 – 10 August 1954) was a Past Master of Temple Lodge, No.33. He served as Mayor of Duncan from 1936-1939 and had a long career in local public service. He is buried in St. Peter’s Quamichan Anglican Cemetery.


James Grieg, Past Master of Temple Lodge, No.33, Mayor of Duncan
James Grieg, Past Master of Temple Lodge, No.33, Mayor of Duncan (Photo courtesy of City of Duncan)

For more information on James Grieg, see our webpage about him on this site.

Featured Deceased Member For June 2016 – Harold Fairfax Prevost (1878-1941)

Each month, Temple Lodge No.33 features one of our Deceased Brethren as a way of illustrating the contribution our members have made to the Cowichan Valley.

Our featured Deceased Member for June 2016 is Harold Fairfax Prevost (1878-1941)

Harold Fairfax Prevost
Harold Fairfax Prevost (Photo courtesy of City of Duncan)

Harold Fairfax Prevost was a local businessman; he ran a stationers business for which he built the building that is now Just Jake’s Restaurant at 45 Craig Street. Continue reading Featured Deceased Member For June 2016 – Harold Fairfax Prevost (1878-1941)

Featured Deceased Member For May 2016 – James Henry Whittome (1871-1936)

Each month Temple Lodge, No.33 features a Deceased Brother on our website. Our Featured Deceased Brother of Temple Lodge, No.33 for May 2016 is James Henry Whittome (1871-1936). The Whittome Building in downtown Duncan is named for James Henry Whittome. Also see our page on Buildings Associated With Lodge Members.

James Henry Whittome (1871-1936) one one of the first three members (the other two were Christopher Dobson and Charles Herbert Dickie) to be initiated in Temple Lodge after the lodge was formed in December 1899.

He submitted a Petition for Initiation to Temple Lodge, No. 33 at the Lodge’s first meeting on 16 December 1899. He was recommended for membership by Jonathan Hands and and his Petition was referred to an Investigating Committee comprised of Louis Truesdale, William Gidley, and James Evans.

James Henry Whittome was Initiated in Temple Lodge on 10 February, 1900, Passed on 24 February 1900 and Raised on 10 March 1900.

James Whittome, circa 1920
James Whittome, circa 1920 (photo courtesy of Cowichan Estates Ltd.)

James Whittome was a leader in Cowichan Valley business and commerce. The company he founded in the early 20th century is still in operation as Cowichan Estates Ltd. It is a leading commercial property owner in downtown Duncan and the Cowichan Valley.

Here is a brief biography of Brother James Henry Whittome taken from Temple Lodge, No.33 records and from his obituary and the coverage of his funeral in the Cowichan Leader newspaper:

“…The Lodge then proceeded to Initiate the following candidates.

First Mr. Chris Dobson of the town of Duncans…Second Mr. C.H. Dickie….Third Mr. J.H. Whittome….All of whom were found well and worthy, recommended, initiated to the first degree of an Entered Apprentice Mason.

Bro. J. Evans S.D. then gave the lecture to the candidates on the Tracing Board, giving great satisfaction to the brethren present……”

(Source: Temple Lodge No.33, Minutes of Regular Meeting, 10 February 1900)

“…Lodge was opened in the first or apprentice degree at 8 o’clock. Bros. C. Dobson, C.H. Dickie and J.H. Whittome was [sic] then [examined] as to their efficiency of being passed to the second or Fellowcraft Degree. The three Brethren were found worthy to be passed.

Moved by Bro. Wm. Gidley, sec’d by Bro. Samuel Robinson, that Bros. Dobson, Dickie and Whittome having passed the examination they now be passed to the second or Fellowcraft Degree (Carried)……

Bros. C. Dobson, C.H. Dickie and J.H. Whittome were then passed to the second or Fellowcraft Degree. Bro. W.D. Stewart of Ashlar Lodge kindly gave the lecture to the candidates….”

(Source: Temple Lodge No.33, Minute Book, 24 February 1900)

“…Bros. C. Dobson, C.H. Dickie and J.H. Whittome being present were examined as to their proficiency in the work of a Fellow Craft Mason. The three Bros. passed well in the work, being complimented by the W.M. on their proficient knowledge of the same [and] recommended them for further advancement…..

….Bro. C. Dobson was then raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in due and ancient form. Bro. C.H. Dickie being in waiting was then also raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in due and ancient form. After which Bro. J.H. Whittome was also raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in due and ancient form.

The W.M. then gave the charge to the newly obligated Bros. [and] they signed the roll……”

(Source: Temple Lodge No.33, Minutes of Regular Meeting, 10 March 1900)

James Whittome in his office, circa 1914
James Whittome in his office, circa 1914 (photo courtesy of Cowichan Estates Ltd.)

James Whittome moved to South Africa with his family in 1906 and sold his local business to fellow Temple Lodge, No.33 member James Maitland-Dougall. Two years later, in 1908, James Whittome returned to Duncan and re-purchased his former business from James Maitland-Dougall.

Here are the contemporary newspaper reports of thse transactions:

“Mr. James Maitland-Dougall together with Mr. F.A. Fatcher of Robert Ward & Co., have purchased the business of Mr. J.H. Whittome, real estate, insurance etc. and will take over the same about the first of April [1906]. Mr. J.H. Whittome has, by his indomitable pluck and energy, built up a good business and has had the perfect confidence of his patrons and many will be sorry to see him out of business but the two gentlemen who have bought him out are of and and no doubt will get the full support and confidence of all the old patrons and they hope as the district grows to gain many more.”

“May 1st – On Friday morning Mr. J.H. Whittome took over the Real Estate, Financial and Insurance business that some two years ago he sold to Mr. James Maitland-Dougall. Mr. Whittome intends making his home in this Valley and will be an addition to our very substantial business men.”

(Source: Cowichan Leader, 2 May 1908 – from Cowichan Valley Museum & Archives collections)

In 1934, J.H. Whttome Ltd. purchased what is now the Whittome Building (until the time of purchase it had been the I.O.O.F. Lodge building in Duncan) on Station Street. The Whittome Building is still owned by Cowichan estates Ltd., the successor company to J.H. Whittome Ltd.

Whittome Building, Station Street, Duncan, B.C.
Whittome Building, Station Street, Duncan, B.C. Purchased by J.H. Whittome Ltd. in 1934.

Here are the 1936 Cowichan Leader newspaper reports of James Whittome’s death and funeral:

“Whittome – Cowichan mourns the loss of one of its outstanding businessmen, Mr. James Henry Whittome, whose death occurred suddenly on Tuesday evening at his home on Maple Bay Road.

He suffered a heart attack while in Ladysmith on business on Monday. An illness two years ago impaired his health, but he attended to his duties in the face of failing health, and worked to the last with the same interest which in 1898 caused him to open a real estate and insurance office in the community, which, now carrying the name Messrs. J.H. Whittome & Co. Ltd., has been associated with the development of Cowichan in a leading manner.

Mr. Whittome was born in London, England in January 1871. Anticipating a period of settlement and business development in the west, he came to British Columbia in 1892 as a young man of 21, and settled in Duncan, where he entered business soon afterwards. In 1894 he married Miss Clara Frances Jaynes, eldest daughter of the late Mr. William Penns Jaynes and of Mrs. Jaynes.

His first office was in the Jaynes Building, now the Coach Lines building, but the demands of business necessitated moving to larger premises, and in conjunction with the late Mr. Clermont Livingstone, he acquired the building on the north side of Station Street, now known as the Whittome Block. The office of the Tyee Copper Company was moved to this building at the same time.

In the spring of 1906 Mr. and Mrs. Whittome and their two children moved to South Africa, but remained there for only two years, returning in 1908, when Mr. Whittome resumed business, acquiring Mr. Livingstone’s interest in the building.

In 1912, the year of the city’s incorporation and of much expansion here, the business was incorporated under the present name. Following the war, its activities were extended in line with the growth of the district, and in 1934 the present commodious premises were occupied.

A figure in the whole growth of the district, attaching to whom was an importance not generally realized nor perhaps easily recognized, Mr. Whittome possessed capabilities of unusual merit. He was for many years assessor for the Municipality of North Cowichan, and had exceptional knowledge of land and timber values with a reputation unequalled on the Island.

He was interested in early mining ventures in Cowichan, and to his grasp of conditions a number of local enterprises owe their existence. His support of progressive moves was always available, and his advice on various matters was highly appreciated by many residents.

In private life he was keenly interested in horticulture, and his home on Quamichan Lake had a setting among dogwoods of great beauty. ‘Dogwoods’ was the name he gave to it. Fishing and shooting were also his pastimes.

Mr. Whittome was identified with Cowichan Agricultural Society, in whose work he took much interest. He had been a member since 1900 of Temple Lodge, No. 33, A.F. & A.M. Not taking public office he nevertheless had a full knowledge of public affairs in the district, working in the interests of its general upbuilding.

He leaves his widow, one son, Mr. Robert William Whittome, one daughter, Mrs. H.F.B. Stamer, and five grandchildren.

The funeral will take place this afternoon, with a service at the home at 2:45 o’clock and at St. Peter’s Church at 3:00 o’clock. The Rev. H.P. Napier will officiate.

Mr. R.W. Whidden will be in charge of the funeral arrangements.”

(Source: Cowichan Leader, 14 May 1936 – from Cowichan Valley Museum & Archives collections)

“Whittome – A large number of residents, businessmen and employees and many business associates and friends from outside points attended the funeral on Thursday afternoon of Mr. James Henry Whittome, late head of J.H. Whittome & Co. Many present had known him over 40 years.

St. Peter’s Church, Quamichan, where the service was conducted, following the bringing in procession of the casket from Mr. Whittome’s residence nearby, was filled, and outside there were many more.

The Rev. R.F. Napier officiated, together with the Rev. F.L. Stephenson of Victoria. The church choir was present, and the hymns rendered were: ‘Lead, Kindly Light,’ ’On The Resurrection Morning,’ and ‘God That Madest Earth and Heaven .’ Mr. R.W. Clements was at the organ.

In a short eulogy, Mr. Napier spoke from Daniel v. 10: ‘Oh men, greatly beloved, peace be unto you.’ Of Mr. Whittome’s qualities, Mr. Napier cherished three in particular: his humility, his sincerity and his sympathy.

Representatives of the Provincial Government, Duncan; the Municipality of North Cowichan, and the Mayor and entire council of the City of Duncan were among those present. At the end of the procession as it wound down from the home was Mr. Whittome’s Chinese employees.

The graveside was banked with many beautiful wreaths.

Honorary pallbearers were: Messrs. R.E. Donald, W.H. Elkington, G.H. Madsen, A.W. Hacham, F.H. Price, R. Musgrave (Victoria), G.J. Waldy and G.H. Stahlschmidt (Vancouver).

Active pallbearers were: Messrs. Ferguson Hoey, F. P. Hassell, A. Kenningham, Alex Maclean (Victoria), C.F. Davie, K.C., I.G. Eastman (Victoria) and J.E. Green.

Mr. R.W. Whidden was funeral director.”

(Source: Cowichan Leader, 21 May 1936 – from Cowichan Valley Museum & Archives collections)

James Henry Whittome is buried in St. Peters’ Quamichan Anglican cemetery, North Cowichan, B.C.

James Henry Whittome grave, St. Peter's Quamichan cemetery
James Henry Whittome grave, St. Peter’s Quamichan cemetery
James Henry Whittome grave inscription, St. Peter's Quamichan cemetery
James Henry Whittome grave inscription, St. Peter’s Quamichan cemetery

Duncan Is Now A Hub For The Freemasons Cancer Car Program

Temple Lodge, No.33 is pleased to announce that the Freemasons Cancer Car program has just stationed a vehicle in Duncan to better serve the needs of Duncan and Cowichan Valley patients.

Click the following link to find out more about the Freemasons Cancer Car Program in the Cowichan Valley.

For more information on becoming a Cancer Car Volunteer, see www.cancercarsnow.ca

Doug Sowden, the Cancer Car program co-ordinator for Vancouver Island, with the Cancer Car vehicle now stationed in Duncan.
Doug Sowden, the Freemasons Cancer Car program co-ordinator for Vancouver Island, with the Cancer Car vehicle now stationed in Duncan.
The Cancer Car vehicle now stationed in Duncan with some of the volunteers running the Freemasons Cancer Car Program in the Cowichan Valley.
The Freemasons Cancer Car vehicle now stationed in Duncan with some of the volunteers running the Freemasons Cancer Car Program in the Cowichan Valley.

Why Have A Cancer Car  Program?

Of the various treatments for cancer, radiation therapy facilities, because of their expense, have been installed only in a limited number of communities in British Columbia. Consequently many patients needing this type of treatment have to travel a considerable distance. The only radiation treatment center on Vancouver Island is in Victoria adjacent to the Royal Jubilee Hospital to which patients requiring this type of treatment travel from all over the Island. While undergoing their treatments, which can last several weeks, most patients stay at the Canadian Cancer Society lodge, 2202 Richmond Road Victoria, BC V8R 4R5,  Phone: (250) 592-2662, where accommodation is provided at a nominal cost.

What Is The Freemasons Cancer Car Program?

In April 5, 1989, the Freemasons of British Columbia, through their Masonic Community Charities Fund [note: PDF], undertook to support the Canadian Cancer Society (C.C.S) Volunteer Driver Program and assist in the transportation of cancer patients from their home area to a treatment facility.

At that time, three five-passenger vehicles were provided by the Freemasons to the Canadian Cancer Society. The entire cost of replacement vehicles, insurance, maintenance, repair and operation of these vehicles was undertaken by the Freemasons for an agreed period of fifteen years, which has now been extended to the year 2017.

Initially the program was designed to serve the needs of cancer patients in Vancouver and the lower mainland. In August, 1991, the program was expanded to meet the needs of patients living on Vancouver Island. Currently  the Island program has five vans operating out of Nanaimo, Duncan, Port Alberni, Campbell River and Courtenay. This program relies on the services of over 200 volunteers, who give freely of their time to dispatch, drive and maintain these vehicles. All told in British Columbia, the Freemasons now operate seventeen vans dedicated to the transportation needs of cancer patients requiring therapy.

Cellular telephones have been installed in all these vehicles to ensure that drivers have direct communications with dispatchers and other vans.

The Freemasons’ Cancer Car Program differs considerably from the majority of the Volunteer Driver Programs throughout B.C. in that ALL DIRECT EXPENSES ARE PAID BY THE MASONIC COMMUNITY CHARITIES FUND AND ALL VOLUNTEERS DONATE THEIR TIME.

For more information, see the Grand Lodge of B.C. & Yukon website.

The Freemasons’ Cancer Car Program On Vancouver Island

The Freemasons’ Cancer Car Program on Vancouver Island presently covers the territory stretching from Mill Bay in the south to the northern tip of the Island, a distance of approximately 500 kilometres.  It serves all communities along the Island Highway and also the Alberni Valley in the middle of the Island.

The program consists of a number of hubs with vans located in Duncan, Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Comox-Courtenay and Cumberland (2 vans) and Campbell River.  There is a local maintenance person in each area to ensure the vans are kept in top mechanical and cosmetic condition.

In each hub there is also a local dispatcher who receives from the local unit of the Canadian Cancer Society, or from the Cancer Lodge in Victoria, information about clients needing rides.   The dispatcher consults his roster of drivers and selects one, then informs him of the passengers’ names, pick-up points and times, and times of appointment in Victoria.   The dispatcher works with the local Canadian Cancer Society dispatcher in some cases to arrange rides to the Freemasons’ Cancer Car Program pick-up points.

Dispatchers coordinate among themselves the loads for the various vans.  Generally, the Comox Valley dispatcher will talk with the Campbell River dispatcher before she arranges rides with Nanaimo.  The Nanaimo dispatcher will work with Port Alberni first, then he will check with Comox Valley dispatcher.  Then the Nanaimo dispatcher will offer “seats” to the Cowichan Valley dispatcher.

Vans can pick-up and drop off passengers at the door in their area, if there is only one passenger for that trip.

The vans can run five days a week, if there are passengers.  Our usual sequence is to take passengers to Victoria on Mondays and return them on Fridays; however, if there is sufficient demand we can run vans on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  The maximum number of passengers and drivers per van is six, except for rare circumstances when a short shuttle is needed for one extra person.  For example, if there are 5 clients in Campbell River (and 2 drivers) then the Campbell River van can go to Courtenay and transfer at least one client to a Comox Valley van.

In short, the Canadian Cancer Society tells us of our passengers and in some cases arranges transportation from home to our pick-up point.  The dispatchers arrange the van loads and contact the passengers and drivers to let them know the “when and where’s”.  It is the dispatchers’ role to attempt to maximize the van loads to save costs.  Thus, we do not send down two clients from Port Alberni and three clients from Nanaimo in separate vans.  The Port Alberni van would pick up the Nanaimo clients on the way through.

The dispatcher, or in some areas the maintenance person, forwards to the coordinator at the end of each month the following:   number of patients;  number of drivers; number of trips ( each passenger carrying journey); cost of fuel; and any other pertinent information regarding the vans.

Samuel Robinson (1856-1928) – Our Featured Deceased Member of Temple Lodge for April 2016

Each month we feature a deceased member of Temple Lodge, No.33 as both a memorial and a way of highlighting the history of Temple Lodge, No.33 and its member. Our featured deceased Brother for April 2016 is Samuel Robinson (1856-1928), a Charter Member of Temple Lodge, No.33 in December 1899.

Samuel Robinson (1856-1928) was a member of Ashlar Lodge, No. 3 in Nanaimo when he became a Charter Member of Temple Lodge, No. 33 in December 1899. He was Worshipful Master of Temple Lodge, No.33 in 1902.

Samuel Robinson, Worshipful Master of Temple Lodge, No.33 in 1902
Samuel Robinson (1856-1928), Worshipful Master of Temple Lodge, No.33 in 1902, (photo copyright Temple Lodge, No.33)

Samuel Robinson was a carpenter and builder by trade. One building he built is known to be standing at 126 Ingram Street in downtown Duncan, which he built as a residence for fellow Temple Lodge, No.33 member Andrew Hans Peterson. The house is now know as the Green Door.

Green Door, Ingram Street in downtown Duncan. Built in 1903 by Samuel Robinson for Andrew Hans Peterson.
Green Door, 126 Ingram Street in downtown Duncan. Built in 1903 by Samuel Robinson for Andrew Hans Peterson.

According to his 1928 obituary in the Cowichan Leader newspaper (see below), Samuel Robinson came to the Cowichan Valley in 1893. Here is a photograph of Samuel Robinson as part of a hunting expedition in May 1894 on Mt. Prevost, north of Duncan. This photo is part of a family collection and is used with the permission of Sylvia J. Dyer, the daughter of Temple Lodge, No.33 member Claude Green (1904-2003), Past Grand Master.

Temple Lodge charter member Samuel Robinson as part of a hunting expedition on Mt. Prevost, north of Duncan. (photo courtesy of Sylvia J. Dyer, used with permission)
Temple Lodge charter member Samuel Robinson as part of a hunting expedition on Mt. Prevost, north of Duncan. (photo courtesy of Sylvia J. Dyer, used with permission)

As another brief historical note: Elias Castley, who appears seated in the lower lower right of the photo, was involved in the formation of the Duncan Volunteer Fire Department. He died in 1908 when he fell from the tower of the fire hall while hanging a bell. His house (now demolished) was adjacent to the Green Door, 126 Ingram Street, which was built by Samuel Robinson in 1903.

Here is a brief biography of Wor. Brother Samuel Robinson taken from Temple Lodge, No. 33 records and his obituary in the Cowichan Leader newspaper:

First, see our Formation of Temple Lodge page for more information on Samuel Robinson as one of the 14 Charter Members of Temple Lodge, No.33 in December 1899.

“…The Worshipful Master stated, with very much regret, that Wor. Brother Robinson was rapidly failing, he had visited him twice just recently and it was very evident that his days amongst us were drawing to a close…..”

(Source: Temple Lodge, No. 33 – Minute Book, Regular Meeting of 12 June 1928)

“Minutes of an Emergency Communication of Temple Lodge, No. 33 A.F. & A.M., G.R.B.C., held on Sunday the 17th day of June 1928 at the hour of 2:00 pm.

The Lodge was opened in due and ancient form by Worshipful Brother Christopher Dobson, Acting Worshipful Master, Presiding in the East, Officers, brethren and Visitors as shown by the porch book.

The Acting Worshipful Master stated that the Emergency Communication had been called for the purpose of carrying out the sad duty of interring the remains of our late Brother Samuel Robinson who had passed on to the Grand Lodge Above on the 15th day of June 1928.

The Acting Worshipful Master then ordered the Secretary to deposit in the archives of the Lodge a roll inscribed as follows:

Worshipful Brother Samuel Robinson

“Born February 2nd in the year 1856 at Longford, in the county of Derby, England.

Died at Duncan in the Province of British Columbia on the 15th day of June 1928, in the 73rd year of his age.

He was made a Mason at Dundee, Scotland.

He became a member of Temple Lodge, No. 33 when that Lodge was granted a dispensation in December 1899, and he remained an active member up to the time of his death. In 1902 he was appointed Master of the Lodge, and for many years prior to his death he held the important office of Tyler of Temple Lodge.”

The Lodge was then formed in procession and proceeded to St. Mary’s Cemetery, Somenos, where the remains were laid to rest with due form, ceremony and honours.

On return to the Lodge Room the Secretary was instructed to forward a letter of condolence to the relatives of our late Brother, it was also decreed that the charter should be draped for one month.

There being no further business the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form, peace and harmony prevailing….”

(Source: Temple Lodge, No. 33 – Minute Book, Emergent Meeting of 17 June 1928)

“Robinson – Mr. Samuel Robinson, who had been ailing for some time past, died on Friday morning at the King’s Daughters’ Hospital, Duncan.

He was born at Longford Village, some ten miles from Derby, England, on February 4th, 1856, where his father was a farmer, carpenter and builder. On leaving school he was apprenticed to his father and followed the trades of carpentry and cabinet making. At one time he worked on the Clyde on the interior decorating of vessels.

In 1882, Mr. Robinson migrated to York centre (near Chicago), where he joined and worked with his brother, Arthur, who had large cheese and butter factories there. After six years in Illinois, Mr. Robinson went back home. He was in Scotland for seventeen months and at Longford for a year and then returned to Chicago. This was in 1892 and he stayed to see the World’s Fair in the following year.

In the fall of 1893 he came here, where his brother, Arthur, had preceded him and had bought a farm at Sahtlam. Here Mr. Robinson followed his old trade. He resided on Kenneth Street, near the Country Club. [Note: Samuel Robinson’s house is no longer extant.The Country Club was around present day Kenneth Street and Boundary Street]

He will be remembered as a gentle, kindly old man, with a goodly store of reminiscences. He became a Mason in Dundee, Scotland, and on the formation of Temple Lodge, A.F.& A.M., No. 33 in Duncan in December 1899, he became one of its charter members. He was Worshipful Master in 1902 and for a great many years he held the office of Tyler.

About sixty of his sorrowing brothers attended the funeral on Sunday afternoon, from the Masonic Temple to St. Mary’s Churchyard, Somenos, whither his body was borne by six pastmasters, Wor. Bros. A.H. Peterson, Thomas Pitt, J.M. Campbell, W.M. Dwyer, K.F. Duncan and James Greig, while a similar number of pastmasters were present among the brethren as was Mr. C.H. Dickie, M.P. and Rt. Wor. Bro. D.H. Ker, P.D.D.G.M., Junior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of B.C. The Masonic service was in charge of Wor. Bro. C. Dobson, acting for Wor. Bro. W.B. Harper, W.M.

The committal service of the Church of England was conducted by the Rev. F. Granville Christmas.

Mr. Robinson leaves behind an older brother, William, in England and six nephews, Walter, Gilbert and Henry Robinson, Sahtlam; and W.F. and Arthur, of Aldergrove; and three nieces, Mrs. M.D. Castley and Mrs. I. Bonsall, Duncan and Mrs. W. Roseboom, Victoria.

The funeral arrangements were made by Mr. L.C. Brockway.”’

(Source: Cowichan Leader, 23 June 1928 – from Cowichan Valley Museum & Archives collections)

Samuel Robinson is buried in St. Mary’s Somenos Anglican Cemetery, North Cowichan, B.C. His original gravestone has disappeared but Temple Lodge, No.33 replaced it with the current grave marker shown in the photos below.

Samuel Robinson grave, St. Mary's Somenos Anglican Cemetery, North Cowichan, B.C.
Samuel Robinson grave, St. Mary’s Somenos Anglican Cemetery, North Cowichan, B.C.
Samuel Robinson grave marker, St. Mary's Somenos Anglican Cemetery, North Cowichan, B.C.
Samuel Robinson grave marker, St. Mary’s Somenos Anglican Cemetery, North Cowichan, B.C.

Richard Guy Mellin (1875-1931) – Joined Temple Lodge, No.33 in 1904

Temple Lodge, No.33 puts information about Deceased Brethren on this website and has found that the pages on Deceased Brethren are among the most viewed and most popular pages on the website. Genealogy is a very popular pastime and Temple Lodge, No.33 gets frequent requests for additional information from researchers who have found ancestors on our website.

Temple Lodge, No.33 also sends out requests for additional information on our Deceased Brethren. When we recently put up a page on Richard Guy Mellin (1875-1931), we sent information requests by email to Manchester Grammar School and the Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of B.C., both of which kindly provided information which appears on our web page for Richard Guy Mellin and in the blog post below.

Richard Guy Mellin (5 March 1875 – April 1931) joined Temple Lodge, No.33 in 1904 and remained a member of Temple Lodge, No.33 until his death in 1931. He was Initiated, Passed and Raised in Temple Lodge, No.33 in 1904.

He was born in Manchester, U.K. and was educated at Chorlton High School and Manchester Grammar School, which he attended from 1888 to 1892.

We contacted Manchester Grammar School seeking information about Richard Guy Mellin and we were kindly given the photograph below, showing Richard Guy Mellin in 1890, aged about 15, in the back row, second from left.

The "Lower Classical Remove" class of 1890 at Manchester Grammar School. Richard Guy Mellin is #2, in the back row, second from left (photo courtesy of Manchester Grammar School, used with permission)
The “Lower Classical Remove” form of 1890 at Manchester Grammar School. Richard Guy Mellin is #2, in the back row, second from left (photo courtesy of Manchester Grammar School, used with permission)

Continue reading Richard Guy Mellin (1875-1931) – Joined Temple Lodge, No.33 in 1904

Featured Deceased Member of Temple Lodge, No.33 For March 2016 – Claude Alfred John Green (1904-2003)

Each month Temple Lodge, No.33 features a deceased member of Temple Lodge, No.33 as a way of promoting Masonic history.

Our featured Deceased Brother for March 2016 is Claude Alfred John Green, who joined Temple Lodge, No.33 in 1927, served as Worshipful Master in 1941 and as Grand Master of B.C. & Yukon in 1957-58.

Claude Alfred John Green as Worshipful Master of Temple Lodge, No.33 in 1941
Claude Alfred John Green as Worshipful Master of Temple Lodge, No.33 in 1941 (photo copyright Temple Lodge, No.33)

See our web page on M.W.B. Claude Green.