On 30 June 2019 our Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian did a tour of some Masonic graves in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, as a fund raiser for the Old Cemeteries Society.
One of the graves which will be on the 30 June 2019 tour is Robert Patterson Rithet, a prominent figure in Victoria business during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
The Old Cemeteries Society tours meet in front of Oregano’s, Fairfield Plaza, 1516 Fairfield Road, Victoria and walk across Fairfield Road to Ross Bay Cemetery at 2:00 p.m.
The Regular Meeting of Temple Lodge No. 33 for June 2019 will be held at the Duncan Masonic Temple, 163 Canada Avenue, Duncan, B.C. on Tuesday, 11 June 2019 at 7:30 p.m.
Please note that this is our annual Casual Night with a Steak BBQ before the meeting. Social time will start at 5 p.m.
Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. Cost for the meal is $20.00
Temple Lodge No. 33 will be hosting the annual District 27 Masonic Education Day at the Duncan Masonic Temple on Saturday, 1 June 2019, 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. There will be lunch afterwards.
The theme of the 2019 District 27 Masonic Education Day will be technology and its use in the Craft. The presenters will be as follows:
District 27 Education Officer Mark Anderson will demonstrate how to build a Masonic Lodge website by building a new website for Admiral Lodge No. 170;
Bro. Connor Massey will do a presentation on Masonic podcasts. Bro. Massey hosts a Masonic podcast;
The District Deputy Grand Master, R.W.B. Ken Christofferson will be doing a presentation on a topic of his choice.
The District 27 Masonic Education Day is open to all Freemasons and their guests. There is no charge for this event.
The Regular Meeting of Temple Lodge No. 33 for May 2019 will be held at the Duncan Masonic Temple, 163 Canada Avenue, Duncan, B.C. on Tuesday, 14 May 2019 at 7:30 p.m.
While doing some research our Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian came across this 1927 advertisement for Raybestos Brake Linings, which lists the Vancouver Island Raybestos dealers in 1927.
1927 advertisement for Vancouver Island dealers of Raybestos Brake Linings. Thomas Pitt in Duncan, Ira Lowe in Ladysmith and Thomas Plimley in Victoria were all Freemasons. (Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)
We know that three of the Raybestos dealers names listed were Freemasons: Thomas Pitt, Duncan (Temple Lodge No. 33), Ira Lowe, Ladysmith (St, John’s Lodge No. 21) and Thomas Plimley, Victoria (Britannia Lodge No. 73). It is possible that other names listed were also Freemasons but we will need to do more research on that.
Thomas Pitt built 231 Government Street for his automobile dealership and garage, Thomas Pitt Ltd., in 1929. We think he operated in a previous building on this site in 1927 but we are working to confirm that.
Ira Lowe operated his Lowe’s Garage in Ladysmith at 341 1st Avenue in downtown Ladysmith. The building is still standing.
Thomas Plimley operated his automotive business at two Victoria locations in 1927: 727 Johnson Street (still standing) and in a now demolished building at the corner of Broughton Street and Broad Street in downtown Victoria.
Temple Lodge No. 33 will be conducting an Entered Apprentice Degree to Initiate two Candidates on 26 March 2019 at 7:30 p.m. at the Duncan Masonic Temple, 163 Canada Avenue, Duncan, B.C.