Upcoming Masonic Events For September 2018

Here is a list of upcoming Masonic Events for September 2018. Our apologies if we have missed anything. Please Contact Us if we have inadvertently overlooked an event.

    • 5 September 2018 – Installation  –  Mt. Shepherd Lodge No. 159 .  Hot dinner served at 6:00 PM, before tyling at 7:30 PM…..cost $15.00……Mt.Shepherd had to cancel their June dinner due to low confirmed attendance, then had brethren show up hoping to eat !……please confirm your attendance for dinner with W.B. Larry Umbach, the incoming Worshipful Master, by Phone, 250-642-4641, or by email:  jlumbach@telus.net
    • 5 September 2018 – Ashlar Lodge No. 3 – Regular Meeting – tyles at 7:30 p.m.
    • 6 September 2018 – Goldstream Lodge No. 161, Langford, B.C. – Regular Meeting
    • 6 September 2018 – Concord Lodge No. 79Regular Meeting – tyle at 7:30 p.m.
    • 8 September 2018 – Chemainus Lodge No.114Installation –  tyle at 10:30 AM, go to refreshment, then re-tyle at 1:00 PM. Lunch at 11 a.m., cost: $10
    • 8 September 2018 – Manoah Lodge No. 141 – Regular Meeting – tyle at 1 p.m.
    • 10 September 2018 – Hiram Lodge No. 14 – Regular Meeting – tyle at 7:30 p.m.
    • 11 September 2018 – Temple Lodge No. 33 – Regular Meeting – tyle at 7:30 p.m.
    • 11 September 2018 – Comox Lodge No.188 Regular Meeting –   tyle at 7:30 p.m., followed by light refreshments
    • 12 September 2018 – Admiral Lodge No.170  –  election of a new Worshipful Master and Junior Warden, due to the illness of WM Jim Clark, who is in the Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria with heart problems.  Please keep our brother Jim in your hearts, minds, and prayers.
    • 13 September 2018 – St. John’s Lodge No. 21 – Regular Meeting – tyle at 7:30 p.m.
    • 17 September 2018 – Nanaimo Lodge No. 110 – Regular Meeting – tyle at 7:30 p.m.
    • 18 September 2018 – Doric Lodge No. 18Regular Meeting – tyle at 7:30 p.m.
    • 20 September 2018 –  Euclid Lodge No.158Regular Meeting –  refreshments at 6:00 PM, before tyling at 7:00 PM
    • 22 September 2018 –  Comox Lodge No.188  – Installation –   tyle at 12:30 PM, go to refreshment, then re-tyle at 2:00 PM
    • 22 September 2018 –  Malahat Lodge No.107  – Installation –  tyle at 11:00 AM, go to refreshment, then re-tyle at 1:00 PM.  This is followed at 5:00 PM by the semi-formal Gala dinner, music, and dancing.  Tickets $50.00 by pre-sale only.  Contact the incoming Worshipful Master Patrick Bolger, Phone: 250-710-0650, email:  owcabinetry@gmail.com  or RWB Ken Christofferson, Phone: 250-415-0848, email:   kmchristofferson@yahoo.ca
    • 27 September 2018 – Cumberland Lodge No. 26 – Regular Meeting – tyle at 7:30 p.m.
    • 29 September 2018 – Qualicum Lodge No. 197Regular Meeting – Coffee and light refreshments at 9:00 a.m., tyle at 1000 AM. Concord Masonic Hall, Parksville
    • 6 October 2018 – St. John’s Lodge No. 21 – Installation – details TBA

District 27 Summer Picnic – 12 August 2018

The District 27 Summer Picnic will be held on 12 August 2018 between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. at Brian Knight’s property at 8045 Vye Road in Crofton.

Food will be a roast pig prepared by Lawrence Lampson.

All Freemasons and their guests are welcome to attend.

Here is a map showing the location of 8045 Vye Road in Crofton.

Here is a Google Street View image showing what 8045 Vye Road looks like from the street entrance.

The directions to Brian Knights home at 8045 Vye road in Crofton are: At the Brass Bell Pub, turn right onto York Avenue, then turn left onto Adelaide street, then turn left onto Vye road.

Please be reminded to bring a lawn chair as seating will not be provided. Coffee will be supplied as well as cups , plates and cutlery. Also it is BYOB, no alcohol will be supplied.

This is a Family picnic so everyone is invited. The picnic will start at One and go to Five oclock. I would suggest bringing a hat or sunscreen as it will be nice and sunny. See you there

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Photos of Freemasons Hall, London, UK – from Paul Philcox

Brother Paul Philcox of Temple Lodge No. 33 has just returned from a trip to the U.K. During his trip he visited Freemasons Hall in London and sent these photos.

East Ceiling, Freemasons Hall, London, UK, July 2018 (photo by Paul Philcox)
East Ceiling, Freemasons Hall, London, UK, July 2018 (photo by Paul Philcox)
West Ceiling, Freemasons Hall, London, UK, July 2018 (photo by Paul Philcox)
West Ceiling, Freemasons Hall, London, UK, July 2018 (photo by Paul Philcox)
South Ceiling, Freemasons Hall, London, UK, July 2018 (photo by Paul Philcox)
South Ceiling, Freemasons Hall, London, UK, July 2018 (photo by Paul Philcox)
North Ceiling, Freemasons Hall, London, UK, July 2018 (photo by Paul Philcox)
North Ceiling, Freemasons Hall, London, UK, July 2018 (photo by Paul Philcox)
Main Hall Ceiling, Freemasons Hall, London, UK, July 2018 (photo by Paul Philcox)
Main Hall Ceiling, Freemasons Hall, London, UK, July 2018 (photo by Paul Philcox)
Grand Master's Chair. Grand Meeting Room, Freemasons Hall, London, UK, July 2018 (photo by Paul Philcox)
Grand Master’s Chair. Grand Meeting Room, Freemasons Hall, London, UK, July 2018 (photo by Paul Philcox)
Ceiling in Grand Meeting Room, Freemasons Hall, London, UK, July 2018 (photo by Paul Philcox)
Ceiling in Grand Meeting Room, Freemasons Hall, London, UK, July 2018 (photo by Paul Philcox)
King George III Throne, United Grand Lodge of England Museum, Freemasons Hall, London, UK, July 2018 (photo by Paul Philcox)
King George III Throne, United Grand Lodge of England Museum, Freemasons Hall, London, UK, July 2018 (photo by Paul Philcox)

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2018 Gizeh Shrine Ceremonial In Duncan – 17-20 May 2018

May 17th – 20th, 2018 
Hosted by the Cowichan Valley Shrine Club 
Ill. Sir Harold W. Wallace 
Lady Michelle Wallace 
2018 Potentate 

The Cowichan Valley Shrine Club No. 27 is very excited about hosting the British Columbia and Yukon Spring Ceremonial here in Duncan and this is only the third time in our Club’s 50-year history that we have hosted a Ceremonial in Duncan. We are extremely proud that a member of our Club and Past President, Noble Harold W. Wallace is the Potentate of the Shriner’s of BC and Yukon.

Noble Harold and his Lady Michelle are long time residents of Duncan and are the owners operators of the H.W. Wallace Cremation and Burial Centre. Harold’s philanthropy and community work are well known and just recently he was awarded one of Duncan’s highest awards, the Scroll of Honour. Noble Harold and Lady Michelle welcome the Nobles and Ladies to the 2018 Gizeh Spring Ceremonial of which we anticipate a registration of up to 400 Shriner’s (& their Ladies) to take part in the Ceremonial events.

The main events will take place at the Island Savings Community Centre located on James Street, the Ramada Silver Bridge Inn on the Trans Canada Hwy and the H.W. Wallace Cremation and Burial Centre located on Polkey Rd, Duncan.

Hotels are limited so if you are planning on attending please book as soon as possible.
Registration will be forthcoming in the new year on line with Gizeh. ​

Here are maps showing the location of the venues:

H.W. Wallace Cremation & Burial Centre, Polkey Road, Duncan, B.C.

Island Savings Centre, 2687 James Street, Duncan, B.C.

Cowichan Golf & Country Club

Ramada Silver Bridge Inn, Trans Canada Highway, Duncan, B.C.

Here is the schedule for Ceremonial Events:

THURSDAY – 17 May 2018

Thursday will start with a SCRAMBLE GOLF TOURNAMENT at the Cowichan Golf & Country Club with a 9 AM Shotgun start. This is OPEN TO ALL GOLFERS THAT REGISTER.

We will finish with MEET & GREET starting at 5 PM at the H.W. Wallace Centre.
GOURMET CHILI and a bun will be served during the evening.

FRIDAY – 18 May 2018

At 9 AM in the Island Savings Community Centre we will have the CEREMONIAL OPENING, the BLACK CAMEL, FIRST SECTION, of which the members of the community are most welcome.

For the registered members there will be a NOBLES & CANDIDATES LUNCH and SECOND SECTION (that is closed to the community) at the Island Savings Community Centre.

A Shrine “Teddy Bear’s Picnic” LADIES LUNCHEON at the Ramada Inn starting at 11:30 AM.

There will be a CANDIDATES & LADIES DINNER (Divan and Past Potentates only) at the Ramada Inn starting at 5:30 PM. This will be for the Divan, Past Potentates, wives and Candidates.

For all registered members, Friday night will wrap up with Newfie Night & Entertainment starting at 6 PM at the H.W. Wallace Centre. NEWFIE BURGERS and other delights will be served also.

There will be a COD DEGREE at 9 PM.

SATURDAY – 19 May 2018

Saturday starts with a SHRINE PARADE at 10 AM finishing up with Hotdogs and a pop at the rear of the Community Centre Arena.

The KIDS FUN FAIR will start at 11:30 AM in the Community Centre until 3 PM. We would like all the Nobles and Ladies to attend this kids fun event wearing your Fez. This will be open to the public and there will be lots of children attending.

At 4:30 PM the doors open for Cocktails at the Community Centre Multi Purpose room for the CEREMONIAL BANQUET. The Fezzing will be at 6 PM and the Banquet Dinner at 7 PM.

SUNDAY – 20 May 2018

Starting at 7:30 AM until 10 AM we wrap up our Ceremonial weekend with a BREAKFAST at the H W. Wallace Centre. We will conclude our Ceremonial with a BURY THE BOTTLE ceremony.​


There are two Parades that the Shriner’s will attend on this weekend of the Spring Ceremonial and we are urging that the Nobles do their best to support these parades.

Parade Time: 1 PM

There will be transportation from the Howard Johnson Hotel
NOTE: After the Ceremonial Breakfast we will be going to the Nanaimo Parade.

Parade Time: 9 AM
Form-up: by 8 AM near Mayfair Mall 


If you have any questions please contact,

Tom Earl or Terry Landry
Ceremonial Chairman / Secretary
250-748-4333 or tforbesearl@gmail.com 250-929-8881 or cvsc27@gmail.com

Also see the Cowichan Valley Shrine Club website.

Temple Lodge Historian’s Tour Of Freemasons’ Graves In Ross Bay Cemetery – 22 April 2018

On 22 April 2018 our Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian will be leading a tour of Freemasons’ graves in Ross Bay Cemetery as a fund raiser for the Old Cemeteries Society of Victoria, an organization whose work we strongly support.

This tour is part of an ongoing series of tours put on by the Old Cemeteries Society of Victoria. Here is a link to upcoming tours by the Old Cemeteries Society of Victoria.

For those who want more information on the deceased Brethren included on this Old Cemeteries Society of Victoria tour,  here is a list with links to individual pages containing more information each deceased Brother.

Giacomo Bossi grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. The "Bossi Angel" is one of the most photographed grave markers in Ross Bay Cemetery. (photo by Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)
Giacomo Bossi grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. The “Bossi Angel” is one of the most photographed grave markers in Ross Bay Cemetery. (photo by Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)

Giacomo Bossi











John Frederick Becker grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
John Frederick Becker grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

John Frederick Becker







Edgar Crow Baker family burial plot. Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
Edgar Crow Baker family burial plot. Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

Edgar Crow Baker








Alexander Rocke Robertson grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. (photo by Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)
Alexander Rocke Robertson grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. (photo by Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)

Alexander Roche Robertson







Amor de Cosmos grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
Amor de Cosmos grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

Amor de Cosmos (Charter Member of the first Masonic lodge in Victoria in 1858)]








The grave of Thomas Cuniff, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
The grave of Thomas Cuniff, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

Thomas Cuniff










Herbert A. Harrison grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
Herbert A. Harrison grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

Dr. John Errol Newman;

Herbert H. Harrison;

Karl Roller







Stephen Jones family grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
Stephen Jones family grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

Stephen Jones









Grave of Colonel Edward Gawlor Prior, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
Grave of Colonel Edward Gawlor Prior, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

Edward Gawlor Prior







The Alexander Edmund Batson Davie (1846-1889) grave, Ross Bay Cemetery. The grave has been damaged over the years. A feature, possibly a cross, which once stood on top of the base has since disappeared.
The Alexander Edmund Batson Davie (1846-1889) grave, Ross Bay Cemetery. The grave has been damaged over the years. A feature, possibly a cross, which once stood on top of the base has since disappeared.

Alexander Edmund Batson Davie












Alexander Alfred Green grave stone, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
Alexander Alfred Green grave stone, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

Alexander Alfred Green









John Pitcairn Elford grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, BC. The grave of Alexander Alfred Green is on the right and the grave of Thomas Trounce is on the left. (photo by Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)
John Pitcairn Elford grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, BC. The grave of Alexander Alfred Green is on the right and the grave of Thomas Trounce is on the left. (photo by Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)

John Pitcairn Elford









Thomas Trounce, Past Grand Master, grave in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
Thomas Trounce, Past Grand Master, grave in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

Thomas Trounce








John Ramsay grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, BC (photo by Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)
John Ramsay grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, BC (photo by Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)

Major Ranald McDonell;

John Ramsay






Wallace Samuel Utley Terry grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
Wallace Samuel Utley Terry grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

Wallace Samuel Utley Terry







Andrea Astrico grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
Andrea Astrico grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

Andrea Astrico










Peter Edward Toneri grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. (photo by Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)
Peter Edward Toneri grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. (photo by Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)

Peter Edward Toneri









Charles Hayward family burial plot, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. (photo by Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)
Charles Hayward family burial plot, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. (photo by Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)

Charles Hayward & Reginald Hayward










Thomas Shotbolt grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
Thomas Shotbolt grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

Thomas Shotbolt








Richard Hall grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. (photo by Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)
Richard Hall grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. (photo by Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)

Richard Hall;

Dr. George Lawson Milne









William Dalby grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
William Dalby grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

William Dalby









John Boyd grave marker, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
John Boyd grave marker, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

John Boyd









Richard Lewis grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
Richard Lewis grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

Richard Lewis 







Henry Frederick Heisterman grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
Henry Frederick Heisterman grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

Henry Frederick Heistermann










John Teague grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
John Teague grave, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

John Teague







John Henry Edwards

Richard Broderick tombstone, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
Richard Broderick tombstone, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

Richard Broderick

Upcoming Events In Districts 5 and 27- March and April 2018

Here is a list of upcoming Masonic events in District 27 and District 5 during March and April 2018. Thanks to Tom Skarvig of St. John’s Lodge No. 21 for the list.

  • March 14 Admiral Lodge Regular Meeting
  • March 15 Euclid Lodge Installation
  • March 17 Malahat Lodge EA degree 11:00am
  • March 19 Nanaimo 110 DDGM official visit
  • March 21 Ashlar MM Degree
  • March 24 Education Day at Malahat Lodge 10:30am
  • March 24 St Johns Lodge Casino night $15
  • March 27 Temple Lodge FC Degree
  • March 31 Malahat Lodge DDGM official visit
  • April 2 Nanaimo 110 Mine Whistle night, Grand Master to attend
  • April 4 Ashlar No. 3 Regular meeting
  • April 7 Temple Lodge No. 33 installation
  • April 9 Chemainus Lodge regular meeting
  • April 10 Temple Lodge No. 33 regular meeting
  • April 11 Admiral Lodge regular meeting
  • April 12 St Johns regular meeting
  • April 19 Malahat Lodge regular meeting
  • April 21 Admiral Lodge Installation
  • April 28 Slim Pritchard BBQ
Duncan Masonic Temple, 163 Canada Avenue, Duncan, B.C.
Duncan Masonic Temple, 163 Canada Avenue, Duncan, B.C.
St. John's Masonic Temple, Gatacre Street, Ladysmith, B.C. (photo by Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)
St. John’s Masonic Temple, Gatacre Street, Ladysmith, B.C. (photo by Temple Lodge No. 33 Historian)