Since we announced the death of R.W.B. Bob Crawford we have received many messages from people who knew Bob and, like us, thought very highly of him.
Cecil Ashley, who used to work with Bob at the Hillcrest Lumber Company, put us onto the following video and provided us with the photos below.
This video from Shaw Daily is about the Hillcrest Lumber Co. Employees Reunion at Mesachie Lake circa 2015. It has several clips of Bob Crawford.
The following photos were provided by Cecil Ashley, who organizes the annual Hillcrest Lumber Co. Employees Reunion:
Bob Crawford at the Hillcrest Lumber Co. Employees Reunion in 2005. (photo courtesy of Cecil Ashley)Bob Crawford (left) at the Hillcrest Lumber Co. Employees Reunion in 2006. (photo courtesy of Cecil Ashley)Bob Crawford (left), Cecil Ashley and others at the Hillcrest Lumber Co. Employees Reunion in 2006. (photo courtesy of Cecil Ashley)Bob Crawford (left) at the Hillcrest Lumber Co. Employees Reunion in 2006. (photo courtesy of Cecil Ashley)Bob Crawford (left) at the Hillcrest Lumber Co. Employees Reunion in 2006. (photo courtesy of Cecil Ashley)Bob Crawford (right) and Cecil Ashley at the Hillcrest Lumber Co. Employees Reunion in 2006. (photo courtesy of Cecil Ashley)Bob Crawford (right) with Al Lundgren, IWA Safety Director, who worked with Bob as a faller at Hillcrest Lumber Company. Taken at Hillcrest Lumber Company Employees Reunion, 2007. (photo: Cecil Ashley)Bob Crawford (left) with Harry Wright, the last locomotive engineer at Hillcrest Lumber Company, in 2007 (photo: Cecil Ashley)Bob Crawford (standing) at Hillcrest Lumber Company Employees Reunion, 2009. SEated left is George Smart, Woods manager for Hillcrest Lumber Company and Bob’s boss when Bob was at Hillcrest. Seated right is George Smart’s son Doug Smart. (photo: Cecil Ashley)Bob Crawford at the Hillcrest Lumber Company Employees Reunion, 2012. (photo: Cecil Ashley)Bob Crawford at the Hillcrest Lumber Company Employees Reunion, 2012. (photo: Cecil Ashley)
Here are two photos of Bob Crawford at the Hillcrest Lumber Co. Employees Reunion in May, 2018, a few months before his death:
Bob Crawford at the Hillcrest Lumber Co. Employees Reunion in May 2018. (photo courtesy of Cecil Ashley)Bob Crawford at the Hillcrest Lumber Co. Employees Reunion in May 2018. (photo courtesy of Cecil Ashley)
Our thanks to Cecil Ashley for these photos. We will post more photos of Bob Crawford as they become available.