Vancouver Island Masonic History Project
Vancouver Island Cemeteries – Masonic Interments
George Thomson Leitch (1847-1905) was a ship engineer with the Canadian Pacific Navigation Company. His grave in Ross Bay Cemetery displays the Square & Compass but at this time we to not know his Lodge affiliation. We will do more research and post what we find.
Here is his obituary in the Daily Colonist:
George Thomson Leitch, the well-known chief engineer of the steamer Otter, died yesterday morning at St. Joseph’s hospital, after a brief Illness. The deceased was a prominent member of the Association of Marine Engineers, and took a keen interest in all matters of public interest. By his uprightness of character and kindliness of disposition he had endeared himself to a large circle of intimates, and the friends are many who deplore his loss.
The deceased gentleman was 59 years of age [note: his grave stone says 58 years of age] and unmarried. He has a brother in St. Paul, and, it Is understood, also a brother and sister In Glasgow, Scotland, of which place he was a native. He is also well known in Edmonton, Alberta, where he owned some valuable properties.
The sad news was wired to the brother yesterday morning, and a reply received requesting that the interment be postponed until his arrival, which Is expected to be on Monday. Due notice of the funeral will therefore be given later.
The late Mr. Leitch was one of the pioneer marine engineers of British Columbia, having held responsible positions under the Canadian Pacific Navigation Company before It was merged into the C. P. R. and he has ever since held the position of chief engineer of one or other of their vessels.”
(Source: Daily Colonist, 28 July 1905, page2)

George Thomson Leitch is buried in

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