As part of our Vancouver Island Masonic History Project, with its sections on Vancouver Island Cemeteries – Masonic Interments and Deceased Brethren, here is a page on George Washington Haynes, who is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
George Washington Haynes (died 1898, aged 64) was a member of Vancouver & Quadra Lodge, No. 2 in Victoria, B.C. He worked for the real estate firm of Heisterman & Co., whose principal, Henry Frederick Heisterman (1832-1896), was also a member of Vancouver & Quadra Lodge, No. 2. We believe that George W. Haynes may also have been the leader of, or leading participant in, the Haynes marching band, which is mentioned frequently in early Victoria newspaper reports. We will do more research on that and post what we find.
Here is a brief biography of Brother George Washington Haynes taken from the local newspaper reports of his death and funeral:
“The funeral of the late George W. Haynes, whose death after a protracted illness occurred on Thursday morning, will take place to-morrow at 2 o’clock from the residence, 96 John street, and a few minutes later from the Centennial Methodist church. Mr. Haynes, who was well known and highly respected here, was a native of Trenton, Maine. He was in his 64th year. After engaging in the lumber business in Maine with his father, deceased moved to California and finally settled down in British Columbia in 1861. After engaging in lumbering operations in the province he joined the real estate firm of Heisterman & Co., in which he continued until a couple of years ago. Mr. Haynes had a host of friends in the province and particularly in Victoria. He was a member of Vancouver and Quadra Lodge, A.F. & A.M.”
(Source: Daily Colonist, 1 January 1898, page 6, column 2)
“The funeral of the late G.W. Haynes took place yesterday afternoon in the presence of a large number of sympathizing friends. Rev. J.F. Betts, M.A. conducted services at the family residence and at the Centennial Methodist church, delivering there an impressive address on the scriptural and natural evidences of the resurrection of the body. At Ross Bay cemetery the Worshipful Master of Vancouver-Quadra lodge, A.F. & A.M., Mr. Maxwell Muir, with the assistance of the brethren, interred the remains of the deceased brother with full Masonic rites. The following gentlemen acted as pallbearers: J.A. Grahame, A.J. Mclellan, Noah Shakespeare, W.F. Bullen, William Dalby and E.E. Blackwood.”
(Source: Daily Colonist, 3 January 1898, page 5, column 1)
George Washington Haynes is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

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