As part of our Vancouver Island Masonic History Project and our series on Vancouver Island Cemeteries – Masonic Interments and Deceased Brethren, here is a page on William Brown (1843-1891), Past Grand Master. Henry Brown is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
Here is a brief biography of M.W. Brother Henry Brown taken from the contemporary newspaper reports of his death and funeral:
“BROWN – In this city on the 15th instant, of paralysis, Henry Brown, a native of Nottingham, England, in the 49th year of his age. The funeral will take place at 2 o’clock from his late residence, corner of Cook and Fort Sts. Friends are invited to attend.”
(Source: Daily Colonist, 16 May 1891, page 8, column 3)
“Death of Mr. Henry Brown – Henry Brown, of the old established dry goods firm of Brown & White, died at his residence, Fort street last night. Mr. Brown had an attack of la grippe about a month ago. He was recovering, but ventured out too soon, with the result that he got a relapse. Erysipelas set in and he gradually grew worse, and since Monday last was in a comatose condition. The end came shortly after 10 o’clock last night, when he passed peacefully away. Henry Brown was a native of Nottingham, England, and was aged 49 years. He came to Victoria in 1862 via Cape Horn in the ship Tynemouth, and spent a short time in Cariboo. Returning from the [illegible] he entered the dry goods business, in [illegible] he continued up till his last illness, being in partnership with Mr. White for the past twenty years. About two years ago he was left a widower, with two little children – a boy and girl – who are now bereft of father and mother.
The deceased always took the greatest interest in the Masonic Order. He was a Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia, A.F. & A.M., and Grand Secretary at the time of his death. The funeral takes place, on Sunday, from the Masonic Temple, and all Grand Lodge officers possible will be in attendance. Mr. Brown’s life was insured for a good sum in favor of his children. He had many friends in the province who will be grieved to learn of his death.”
(Source: Daily Colonist, 16 May 1891, page 8, column 2)
The Late Henry Brown, P.G. Secretary, Borne to His Grave with due Ceremony
On Sunday afternoon, at two o’clock, took place the funeral of the late Henry Brown, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge, A.F.& A.M., B.C. The usual Masonic funeral services were conducted in the Masonic Temple, Douglas street by W. Bro. Quinlan, W.M. Victoria Columbia Lodge, to which the deceased belonged. The attendance of members of Victoria Columbia and Vancouver Quadra Lodges was very numerous, many visiting brethren from Nanaimo, Vancouver and New Westminster taking part in the ceremonies. The brethren then adjourned to St. John’s church, opposite, the lodge standing open until the return from the cemetery. Rev. Percival Jenns having conducted a most impressive service in the church, the music being of a very solemn character, the procession was formed and proceeded along Douglas, Yates and Cook streets to Ross Bay cemetery, the following being the order:
The Tyler with drawn sword.
Stewards, with white rods.
Master Masons.
Junior and Senior Deacons.
Secretary and Treasurer.
Junior and Senior Wardens.
Past Masters.
The Holy Writings, carried on a cushion, covered with black cloth, by Bro. Broderick.
The Master.
The Clergy.
The body in a coffin covered with the insignia of the deceased’s office, on each side the pallbearers.
The Mourners.
The pallbearers were: Right Worshipful Brethren Past Grand Master E.C. Baker, Past Grand Master W. Dalby, Past Grand Master G.R. Milne [sic], Past Grand Secretary H.F. Heistermann, Past Grand Master J.S. Clute, Past Master Teague, Past Master Shotbolt, Past Master Mitchell.
The large body of Masons were all attired in full regalia, and presented a very imposing appearance. At the grave the religious services were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Jenns, and those of the Masonic fraternity by Most Worshipful Grand Master McKeown, the brethren responding. On returning to the lodge room, appropriate and feeling remarks in testimony to the qualities of the deceased as a citizen and a Free Mason were made, after which the lodge adjourned.”
(Source: Daily Colonist 19 May 1891, page 5, column 3)
Henry Brown is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

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