Vancouver Island Masonic History Project
As part of our Vancouver Island Masonic History Project we are gradually compiling records of Freemasons interred in Vancouver Island cemeteries. For Freemasons who were cremated or are not interred on Vancouver Island, see our Deceased Brethren page on our older web page design.
Please note that we are updating the appearance of our website and are gradually converting our old web pages to the new format. While these updates are going on, our old page on Vancouver Island Cemeteries is still online here.
Here is a partial listing of Vancouver Island Cemeteries which contain the graves of deceased Brethren. Please note that list is currently not complete and we will be adding more cemeteries and links to more cemeteries as we do more research.
Greater Victoria
- Hatley Memorial Park (for cemetery website, click here)
- Holy Trinity Anglican Church and Cemetery, North Sannich, B.C.
- Naval and Veterans Cemetery, Esquimalt, B.C.
- Pioneer Square, Victoria, B.C.
- Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
- Royal Oak Burial Park, Saanich, B.C. (For cemetery website, click here)
- St. Luke’s Anglican Church and Cemetery, Saanich, B.C.
- Victoria Jewish Cemetery
- All Saints Anglican cemetery, Westholme
- Chemainus Cemetery, Chemainus
- Ladysmith Cemetery, Ladysmith
- Methodist Cemetery, North Cowichan (also known now as the Pioneer Cemetery)
- Mill Bay United Church Cemetery, Mill Bay
- Mountain View Cemetery, Somenos, North Cowichan
- St. Andrew’s Anglican Cemetery, Cowichan Station (note: the original church building is still standing but it has been deconsecrated)
- St. John the Baptist Anglican Church cemetery, Cobble Hill
- St. Mary’s Somenos Anglican cemetery, North Cowichan
- St. Peter’s Quamichan, Anglican Cemetery, North Cowichan
- Shawnigan Cemetery, Shawnigan Lake
Nanaimo and District
- Bowen Road Cemetery, Nanaimo
- Cedar Memorial Gardens, Cedar
- Townsite Road Cemetery, Nanaimo

We will be adding more cemeteries in due time.
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