Vancouver Island Masonic History Project
Judah Philip Davies was a prominent auctioneer, commission merchant and realtor in early Victoria. After his death in 1879, his auction business was taken over by his son Joshua Philip Davies, who was a member of Vancouver & Quadra Lodge, No.2
Judah Philip Davies was a member of Victoria Lodge, No 1085, G.R.E., which became Victoria-Columbia Lodge, No. 1 in 1871.
Judah Philip Philips was active in organizing the construction of Temple Beth Emanu-El in 1863. He was also a leading member of the I.O.O.F.
Here is a brief biography of Judah Philip Davies from the reports of his death and funeral in the British Daily Colonist:
“Sudden Death of a Well Known Citizen
Yesterday morning about 11 o’clock, as Mr. Judah Philip Davies, the well-known auctioneer and commission merchant, was walking along Bastion street toward Government in company with his son, Mr. Joshua Davies, he complained of being ill, and leaned for support against a fence. Mr. J. Weiler, who was passing, assisted Mr. Davies, jr., to lead his father into Mr. Courtenay’s law office, where he was placed in a chair and almost immediately expired. The cause of death was heart disease, to attacks of which Mr. Davies had been subject for about a year. Mr. Davies was a native of London and was in the 58th year of his age. He came to California in 1849 and to Victoria in 1863. He leaves a widow, a large family of children and grand-children and many friends to mourn his loss. Mr. Davies was one of the founders of the order of Odd Fellows in this Province; he was also a prominent Mason, was noted for his charitable disposition and always took a leading part in public affairs. At the last Dominion election he stood as a candidate for the Commons in this city and was defeated by only a few votes. His family have the sympathy of everyone in their overwhelming affliction. The funeral will take place from the residence of the deceased at three p.m., to-day. The remains will be interred in the Jewish Cemetery.”
(Source: British Daily Colonist, 21 September 1879)
“FUNERAL OF THE LATE J.P. DAVIES – The funeral of the late J.P. Davies took place Sunday afternoon. There was a numerous attendance, the cortege being one of the largest seen here. The pallbearers were: Messrs. J.H. Innes, James Fell, R. Roberts, P. McQuade, W.P. Sayward and L. Vegelius. There was a large attendance of Foresters and Odd Fellows. The Jewish burial service was read by Mr. H. Bornstein, and the Odd Fellows’ by Mr. Roberts.”
(Source: British Daily Colonist, 23 September 1879)
Here is a link to a biography by the Congregation Emanu-El Historian.
Judah Philip Davies is buried in Victoria Jewish Cemetery, along with his son Joshua Philip Davies, who was also a member of Vancouver & Quadra Lodge, No.2.

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