Vancouver Island Masonic History Project
Peter Edward Toneri (1870-1921) was a member of Victoria Columbia Lodge No. 1 in Victoria.
At this stage we do not know a lot more about him apart from the information in his obituary, shown below. We will add more information as we uncover it.
His former house at 1322 Gladstone Avenue appears to be still standing. Here is a map showing the location of 1322 Gladstone Avenue:
Here is his obituary in the Victoria Daily Times:
“TONERI – On July 25th, 1921, at the residence, 1322 Gladstone Avenue, Peter Edward (Bob) Toneri, born at First Tower, Jersey, Channel Islands, July 16, 1870. He is survived by his wife Louisa Toneri, and one son, Joseph; also one brother, William, in Jersey and a half brother, F. Renouf, of Brentwood Bay, B.C.
The funeral will take place from the B.C. Funeral Chapel on Wednesday afternoon, July 27 [1921], at 2:30, where service will be conducted by Rev William Stevenson, after which the remains will be forwarded to Vancouver for cremation.”
(Source: Victoria Daily Times, 26 July 1921, page 10)
Peter Edward Toneri is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. His gravestone features the Masonic Square and Compasses.

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