Vancouver Island Masonic History Project
As part of our Vancouver Island Masonic History Project, with its sections on Vancouver Island Cemeteries – Masonic Interments and Deceased Brethren, here is a page on Samuel Davies Schultz (1865-1917), who is buried in the Victoria Jewish Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

Samuel Davies Schultz appears to have been a man of many talents and interests. His career includes musician and composer, horticulturalist, journalist, municipal politician, lawyer and appointment to the bench as the first Jewish Judge in British Columbia.
As an indication of his musical talents, Samuel Davies Davies composed and published a march to honour the dead at the Battle of Paardeberg during the Boer War. This march, originally scored for piano, was transcribed for marching band by the Canadian Forces Naden Band and performed by the Naden Band at the 150th Anniversary celebrations of Temple Beth Emanu-el in Victoria, B.C. on 2 June 2013.
Here is a brief biography of Samuel Davies Schultz taken from various sources:
SCHULTZ, Samuel Davies—Of Schultz & Arnold, Barristers, Crown Bldg., Vancouver. Born Victoria, Oct. 21, 1865, son of Herman and Elizabeth Schultz. Educated: Victoria high school, Toronto University; Osgoode Hall. Reporter on staff of Mail and Empire and World, Toronto; Colonist, Victoria, Province and the World, Vancouver, as writer of music, drama and sports. Practiced law, Nelson, Victoria and Vancouver. Published three musical composition. Director, North Vancouver Japanese Amusement Gardens, Ltd. Alderman, City of North Vancouver, 1909-1910. Member of first British Columbia amateur military band. Married Maude Dunwell, 1904; has one son. Societies: Horticultural, of North Vancouver; Native Sons of British Columbia (charter member). Recreations: baseball, rowing, swimming skating, music. Address, Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver, B. C.
(Source: Who’s Who In Canada And Why, 1912)
SCHULTZ, His Hon. Samuel Davies—Judge of County Court, Court House, Vancouver. Bom Victoria, Oct. 21, 1865, son of Herman and Elizabeth Schultz. Educated: Public Schools, Victoria, B.C.; Toronto University; Osgoode Hall Law School. Writer of Music, Drama and Sports, Toronto Mail and World. Victoria Colonist and Vancouver Province and World; practised law, Nelson, Victoria and Vancouver. Composed military march, “Charge at Dawn,” dedicated to the heroes who fell at Paardeberg. Member first Amateur British Columbia Military Band. Pitcher on Toronto University Baseball team, and member of said team when it toured Eastern States and defeated Cornell University in first inter-collegiate game between Canada and the United States. Pitched first shut-out game in British Columbia for the Victoria Amity nine, champions of British Columbia. Alderman, City of North Vancouver, 1909-1910; President, North Vancouver Conservative Association, 1912; President, Samuel Lodge No. 668, I.O.B.B., 1911. Societies: Native sons of British Columbia (charter member). Clubs: University; Vancouver; Commercial. Married Maude Dunwell Squarebriggs, 1904; has two sons. Residence: Glenholly, Lonsdale Ave., North Vancouver, B.C.
(Source: Who’s Who In Canada And Why, 1914)
January 2017 update: we were recently contacted by the historian of Congregation Emanu-El, who advised us that Judge Schultz’s grave was unmarked in the 1950’s and the current grave marker was placed there in the late 1950’s through the efforts of Victoria restaurant owner Arthur Levy, a member of Congregation Emanu-El.
“This marker [on Judge Samuel Schultz’s grave] was donated by restaurateur Arthur Levy [who ran Levy’s Arcade & Oyster Saloon and the Poodle Dog Cafe in downtown Victoria]. The [Victoria Jewish] cemetery went through periods of neglect and Arthur Levy was unable to locate Judge Schultz’s grave. Arthur Levy was upset as he felt that given Samuel Davies Schultz’s contribution and stature in the community that it was important to have some way of recognizing him.”
Here is the contents of a letter Arthur Levy wrote to Victoria’s newspapers and other organizations in 1958:
“Victoria, Nov. 11, 1958
To the Editors: please insert this in your columns. My sincerest thanks.
To the following organizations:
- The Native Sons of B.C. (Victoria)
- The Bar Association of B.C. (Victoria and Vancouver)
- The B’nai Brith Lodge of B.C. (Victoria and Vancouver)
The late County Court Judge Samuel Schultz was born in Victoria. He graduated from the Victoria High School with honors and was awarded the Lieut-Governor’s Gold Medal; he took up the practice of law, and later was appointed as a County-Court Judge. He was an ardent sport enthusiast and pitched for a prominent Victoria Baseball team; he also played tennis, in fact, he died on a tennis court when he was seized with a heart attack.
Judge Samuel D. Schultz was a Charter Member of the first B’Nai Brith Lodge formed in B.C. at Vancouver, and was honored by being elected its first President. This same fine gentleman lies, unhonored and unknown, in an unmarked grave in the Jewish Cemetery at Victoria.
The sacred memory of Judge Samuel D. Schultz should be more highly respected Although inadequate, a small cdar board marker would do and is better than nothing.
Yours respectfully,
Arthur Levy
647 Michigan Street, Victoria, B.C.”
We will add additional information to this page in the near future.
Here are some other sites with information about Judge Samuel Davies Schultz:
Samuel Davies Schultz is buried in Victoria Jewish Cemetery.

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