Here are some historic photos of the Duncan Masonic Temple which we came across recently.
The first photo shows Canada Avenue (then known as Front Street) circa fall 1912 or sometime in 1913. We are using those dates because the Duncan Masonic Temple was built in the summer of 1912 while the building that is now the Duncan Christmas Heritage Mall, which was completed in 1914, does not appear in the photo. The Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway Station, built in 1912, appears at the right of the photo with the word “DUNCAN” on its south facade.

The following photograph was taken from the upper storey of a building (since demolished) on Duncan Street looking northwest. The photo shows the E & N Railway Station on the left and the Duncan Masonic Temple on the center-right. We are guessing this photo was taken circa 1912-1913.

The following photograph shows Front Street (now Canada Avenue) looking southwest from Kenneth Street circa 1914.-1915. We are using those dates because the Duncan Christmas Heritage Mall, which was completed in 1914, appears in the photo adjacent to, and to the left of, the Duncan Masonic Temple, which is the building on the right of the photograph.

Here is a current photo of the Duncan Masonic Temple:

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