As part of our Vancouver Island Masonic History Project, with its sections on Vancouver Island Cemeteries – Masonic Interments and Deceased Brethren, here is a page on Thomas Cuniff (died 27 June 1903, aged 76), who is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.
Here is all we currently know about Thomas Cuniff, taken from the local newspaper reports of his death and funeral:
“Thomas Cuniff died this morning aged 76 years. He was a native of the County Calway, Ireland, and came to Victoria in 1862, on the ship Lady Young. He had for some years mined in the Cariboo, but for a long time has been employed at the outer wharf as watchman. The funeral is to take place on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, from the parlors of the B.C. Funeral Furnishing Co.”
[note: the “outer wharf” is now Ogden Point, where the cruise ships dock in Victoria]
(Source: Victoria Daily Times, 27 June 1903, page 5)
“The funeral of the late Thomas Cuniff took place yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock from the parlors of the B.C. funeral Furnishing Company. Services were conducted by Rev. W.L. Clay at the parlors and grave. Many of the members of the local Masonic order attended. The pallbearers follow: W.W. Northcott, P.J. Riddle, W.T. Phillips, A. Stewart, W. Trickey and C.E. Renouf.”
(Source: Victoria Daily Times, 29 June 1903, page 5)
Thomas Cuniff is buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria, B.C.

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