Vancouver Island Masonic History Project
Given Freemasonry’s use of architectural tools, techniques and terminology in symbolism and ritual, it is quite fitting that many of Vancouver Island’s leading architects and builders were Freemasons.
Here is a partial list in alphabetical order. We will be adding more names in due time.
Thomas Allatt –
David Herbert Bale – Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2
Ralph Berrill – St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 49, Brittannia Lodge No. 73

Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2
John Pitcairn Elford –
Percy Leonard James – Henderson Lodge No. 84

Richard Lewis – Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1
Walter Luney – Brittannia Lodge No. 73

Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1

George Charles Mesher- Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1

Alexander Maxwell Muir – Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2
Parfitt Brothers. Aaron Parfitt, Gilbert Parfitt, Mark Parfitt – Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1
H. Rous Cullin – Vancouver & Quadra Lodge No. 2

Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1

Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1

William Tuff Whiteway

William Ridgway Wilson
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