Home > Vancouver Island Masonic History Project > Architects & Builders
With Freemasonry's emphasis on building techniques and tools in allegorical lessons, it is very fitting that some leading figures in Vancouver Island's architectural and building history were Freemasons. These Masonic architects and builders have left a legacy which is still very visible in Vancouver Island towns and cities today.
Here are some of the Vancouver Island Freemasons who were builders and architects:

Fig.1 - Thomas Allatt's grave in
Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria
Thomas Allatt, builder and contractor

David Herbert Bale, architect and builder.
Vancouver & Quadra Lodge, No.2, Victoria
Ralph Berrill, architect. St. Andrew's Lodge, No.49 and Brittannia Lodge, No. 73, Victoria

Thomas Catterall, builder and contractor.
Vancouver & Quadra Lodge, No.2, Victoria
Harold J. Rous Cullin, architect. Vancouver & Quadra Lodge, No.2, Victoria

John Pitcairn Elford, builder and contractor.
1190 and 1192 Fort Street, Victoria, B.C. were buit by John Pitcairn Elford
Percy Leonard James, architect. Henderson Lodge, No. 84, Victoria
Richard Lewis, architect. Victoria-Columbia Lodge, No.1, Victoria
Walter Luney, builder and contractor. Brittannia Lodge, No. 73, Victoria

George Mesher, builder and contrsactor.
Victoria-Columbia Lodge, No.1, Victoria
Probably the best known structure built by George Mesher is Gyppswyk, built for Victoria banker Alexander A. Green ( a Freemason), later sold to David Spencer and bequeathed to The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria by the Spencer family.
George Mesher's son, George Charles Mesher, was an architect and a Freemason.
George Charles Mesher, architect and builder. Victoria-Columbia Lodge, No.1, Victoria
Alexander Maxwell Muir, architect. Vancouver & Quadra Lodge, No.2, Victoria
Aaron Parfitt, builder & contractor. Victoria-Columbia Lodge, No.1, Victoria
Gilbert Parfitt, builder & contractor. Victoria-Columbia Lodge, No.1, Victoria
Mark Parfitt, builder & contractor. Victoria-Columbia Lodge, No.1, Victoria

John Teague, architect.
Victoria-Columbia Lodge, No.1, Victoria
John Teague was one of the most prolific 19th century architects in Victoria, B.C. His surviving buildings include: Victoria Masonic Temple, Victoria City Hall, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Society building, Church of Our Lord,
Thomas Trounce, architect.
Victoria-Columbia Lodge, No.1, Victoria